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Carefully curated selection of eco mats to improve your Yoga practice.

At Shala Movement we want to our knowledge and advice to help you choose the right yoga mat in Australia, that suits your needs and commitment to the environment. Our range is chosen to suit the Australian climate, and to have minimal impact on our local environment. We have partnered with Create Flow (Mukti Grounded Yoga Mat), and Yoga Design Labs (Combo and Cork Yoga Mats), as they hold true to our vision.

As Certified Yoga instructors ourselves, we have seen almost every mat out there! From our experience, and the feedback from our Yoga students, these are our best value and highest reviewed Yoga Mats available in Australia.

  • How to pick a good yoga mat

    How to pick a good yoga mat

    Wherever you practice, a proper yoga mat is essential. Working on a rug, slippery towel or overly-soft gym cushion can lead to injury and frustration. Most studios and gyms offer...

    How to pick a good yoga mat

    Wherever you practice, a proper yoga mat is essential. Working on a rug, slippery towel or overly-soft gym cushion can lead to injury and frustration. Most studios and gyms offer...

  • 5 Great Yoga Poses at Home

    5 Great Yoga Poses at Home

    New to yoga? Start here with some beginner yoga poses that will help you to build strength and confidence and encourage you to take your yoga practice deeper. As a beginner...

    5 Great Yoga Poses at Home

    New to yoga? Start here with some beginner yoga poses that will help you to build strength and confidence and encourage you to take your yoga practice deeper. As a beginner...

  • Caring for Your Yoga Mat

    Caring for Your Yoga Mat

    Each yoga mat will comes with its own specific cleaning instructions depending on the material (for our integrated combo / towel mats refer to the specific instructions), however read on...

    Caring for Your Yoga Mat

    Each yoga mat will comes with its own specific cleaning instructions depending on the material (for our integrated combo / towel mats refer to the specific instructions), however read on...

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Thinner vs. Thicker Mats

Thinner mats can help increase stability for styles of yoga with more active poses or balanced, focused poses. Look for mats with textured surfaces to maintain better grip when the poses get more strenuous.

Thicker mats provide extra cushioning and are best for more therapeutic practices. If you enjoy restorative yoga, a style with fewer poses that you hold longer, for example, you may prefer a softer, more cushioned mat.

Thicker mats are also more comfortable for forearm and kneeling poses and for yogis with tender knees or achy joints. But they can be more difficult to balance on during standing poses.

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